PolyExplore has signed an agreement with UK-based Thurn Group to distribute PolyExplore’s precision GNSS/INS navigation solutions and mobile HD mapping solutions. These products provide a range of integration options for surveys utilising unmanned systems in hard-to-reach areas.
Thurn Group is a technology development, integration and sales service company that specializes in providing systems and expertise to the seabed survey industry. Its products include unmanned surface vessels (USVs), sonar systems, and survey payloads designed to be carried by drones and USVs.
PolyExplore products that are now available from Thurn Group include the PolyNav 2000 family of dual-GNSS-aided INS solutions for small-boat hydrographic surveys, and complete HD mapping systems such as the Polyscanner and PolyMapper which include a GNSS/INS, LiDAR scanner, camera, GPU, storage and sensor fusion software.
The PolyNav 2000S provides near-FOG performance and is ideal for high-resolution, high-density surveys such as LiDAR mapping and multibeam bathymetry. The sensor can be quickly integrated into a USV or a multirotor drone for advanced combined hydrography and LiDAR surveys.